Thursday, July 29, 2010

So long~~and arggghhhh!!!! (Malu x hbis lagi nih...)

The only reason why I dont do blog is because of my other half...ada je program/event yang terjadi sepanjang hubungan kitorang ni...

Ok, what's happened last week? Banyaknyer bnde yang terjadi...

1) tgk wayang citer INCEPTION....

Mmg x disangka beli dapat tgk citer ni..beratur bukan main panjang kat Mid tu and sampai kat kaunter tiket, that girl cakap tiket dh sold out...last lastr suruh jgak dia check lg skali..hahaha, dapat tiket dua...Last...
Citer ni mmg best tahap gaban.. Five star for INCEPTION... After Avatar, Inception is the second movie that blow my imagination.. From a single idea (dream), u can never actually get the picture how can dream expands to a 2 1/2 hour movie.. Good job.. Sayer suker tgk Arthur, hencem...

2) shopping some fishy stuff for Poo Poo & Fernando (We decided to call the white fish - Fernando and the red fish - Poo Poo

and the stuff are:
- Sebuah kapal karam yang dah terbelah dua...
- satu bubble machine utk dilentak tgh2 kapal karam tersebut
- pokok kiambang hidup yang besar
- pokok hidup lain (lupa dah nama pokok tu)
- tube bubble

3) draw out our first wedding budget...

yang ni agak susah sket...naseb bek dulu time nak bertunang dulu dh pernah buat budget, so ikut yang tu je la...but, apa yang kitorg buat is pegi kedai pengantin (survey barang utk buat bajet) twice!! this time sayer rasa bertuah sbb dia pun berminat nak discuss pasal ni... as I already vowed to myself yang kalau my other x bukak mulut, jangan harap sayer akan bukak mulut...but fortunately he was the one yang beria-ria pasal our wedding...

yang ni paling best yang berlaku:

4) Azzatei Intan Suraya Bt Zamani telah dirisik orang...

Sumpah yang ni mmg our of plan..everything was tunggang langgang..dengan sayer pakai baju yang sgt buruk, pastu mak plak panggil jiran2, siap buat makan2 lagi, pastu terus bincang pasal tarikh ngan belanja...i was like aaaahhhhhh!!! speechless... sesangat x leh nak kata apa.. yang berlaku hanyalah muka yang merah padam, saling berpandangan ngan my other half, n x sanggup nak tgk muka orang lain sbb malu!!!!

Tu je la yang berlaku last week...and tomorrow, kami akan terbang ke Genting Highlands (naik skyway ja)...untuk sambut apa? ntah...sempena sayer dipinang orang kot....


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Yup I'm 20..ada masalah ker?

Apalah diorg ni, kalau kat US, umur 16 tahun dh keje tau x?dh blh bina hidup sendiri...

Actually ada something yg terjadi:

S : You keje kat mner yer? and brape basic u kat saner?

Me : Kat T@#%@FUL Ma#(@($*IA...basic? RMXXXX...

S : Mudanyer u, u look matured, x mcm 20...dia mmg bagi jawatan tu kat u ker, or u masuk knl org dalam..

Well I admit it, I kenal dia punyer CEO!! Puas hati??(ni dalam hati je la...)

Me : xjugak, I practical kat sne then terus dapat offer utk keje kat sne...

S : Oh ye ke. So, u skrg x yah bayar income tax la kan? still 20..Well....blablablablablablabla...

Me : Ok, see u Monday..

I was like, yep I tak yah bayar income tax, sewa rumah, bil api, bil air, bil tepon, nk kuarkan kete pun kne ade guarantor, nk buat kredit kad pun kne tggu 21, i x mengundi tuk pilihanraya... Azzatie Intan Suraya ni ada limit utk buat apa2 sbb i baru 20 tahun ...tunggu la I'm 21, buat estate agent, then 23 pakai Mercedes and ada segulung degree then 24 ada baby cute, ada rumah atas nama I... time tu u akan bukak mata luas-luas apa yg I nak achieve sebenarnya dlm hidup I ni...I akan achieve everything pada usia yg muda...

Yang ni lagi satu:

Me : ooo, dulu ko kecoh duk canang sekampung psl aku cancel tunang, nah sekarang daun yg indah ko tu dah diambil org..

A : Jodoh dia...

Me : Yelah, time aku dulu, xde pun aku nk cakap bukan jodoh ke hapa ke..dh jadi DAUN KERING...hahaha (jahatnyer aku nih)

Moral of the story, kalau dh kita amik jln pintas nak naik tangga dalam hidup kita, kite kne pndai atur hidup ni...n kalau nak cari kawan tu, carilah kawan yg mulut dia ada insuran neh...

Too many surprises...haaaaaahhhhh~~

Well, hari ni dah 22nd July 2010..Few days ahead for me to get the Samsung Galaxy S.. Thanks to my other half, nampak struggle utk penuhkan my demand kali ni...I think the new me ni banyak songeh la..xtau la sama ada he can handle me or not? Well, I said it's a challenge yang dia perlu face to face by hook or by crook if he wanna last forever with me..

So, talking about surprises..Banyak surprises dalam hidup I kebelakangan ni..First, tetiba my mum macam layan x layan je anak sulung dia nih..Salah I jugak, dulu hari2 I call her and minggu lepas langsung x call, pastu bila I called her few days ago, my sis cakap ' mak xnak cakap ngan ko', I was like gluurrrppp..Yeap my fault, my absolutely unintentional mistake. Then pujuk punyer pujuk and I promise her dalam waktu terdekat ni I akan balik ke Terengganu.. Tambahan plak my other half cakap dia x puas hati selagi x berdepan ngan my parent, then lagilah I berkobar-kobar nak balik sne..

Tu my mum punyer surprise la..ada lagi satu, hari tu punyer u-ah-u-ah-uah...bukan main banyak lagi alasan, actualy this happened mse I pegi dinner ngan my frens kat Melia Hotel, xtaula sape yg bayar bil, thanks to sape2 je yg taja bil kitorg tu (I x sanggup tgk bil dia actually, mak aii...)then dia boleh buat donno je mase jumpa kat Melia tu, like nothing happen. Then mase dh smpai my house, dia cakap tadi balik ujan, pastu sengih2. Memang dah masak sangat dengan perangai my other half ni kalau sengih2 macam tuh...Then sampai je umah, bukak kasut, dia pun ikut pastu still buat xtau je, tgk2 haaaaaa!!! Fish tank!! OMG, OMG, mmg speechless la time tuh..then ada la little note sket kat situ, hihihi...then I rasa mcm nk nangis je sbb dh lama tnya dia psl getting a new pet lepas our hamsters (Brownie & Putih) passed away, pastu tetiba satu fish tank yg besar ada kat my housee..Mmg terkejut.. Now, dah ada 9 ekor ikan (5 ekor ikan yg berekor purple + oren & 4 ekor ikan merah yg kuat makan). Then kitorg pun lovey dovey sket la, so excuse me yep!! Once again I ask u how can I actually choose another path after all what we've been thru. How can actually not in love with him after everyday I rose up to hear his voice and a kiss planted on my cheek kiri kanan every morning..

Lepas the surprise ada plak lagi satu surprise, yg ni lmbt sket cuma I dh tahu surprisenyer macam mner, we are getting $&*^%& on March 2011..Hahahah, last night I called my mum tnya pasal this makan2 pnyer budget & my mum tnya bila nak buat, brape org nak jmput, pastu my sis plak duk sibuk mengatur tema, makanan, doorgift, kad jmputan, daze tu sume..Then I cakap ngan diorg, lambat lagi..ntah jadi ntah tidak. Kalau jadi Alhamdulillah, kalau x, buat pe nak paksa2 org kan.. Then my other half cakap, we will not have babies kalau I x habiskan my degree..I was like, tunggu la 3 or 4 tahun lagi baru timang baby comel. Ok la tu, lagi pun, I ada planning la lebih gempak dari nih.. Hehe, I ada jumpa sorang akak ni.. estate agent tau. Fuhhh, baru umur 25 skrg dh ada myvi (kereta basahan/kereta tmpt makan kacang) and sebiji MERCEDES!!! Wowww!! Dia pun dah offer nak ajar I buat estate agent next year.. So, smpatla kumpul harta sket. This one I belum bgtau my other half lagi.. Tapi dulu I dah pernah cerita ngan dia pasal nak buat estate agent ni.. Maka lepas ni my career expand lagi.. I skrg in property management, leasing & admin I dah buat, tinggal estate agent ngan valuation je I belum buat lagi...Habis je my degree, habis je my target utk masuk dalam sector valuation ngan estate agent, I nak register ngan Board.. Dapatla title Sr. nnti... this is my ambition actually, to be a registered agent, valuer, & manager.. Asalkan register ngan Board je.. Tapi jauh lagi la tu, I akan cuba naik tangga hidup I ni satu persatu. One step at a time, just like when u learn how to walk.. Rasanya macam x sabar nak tunggu next year, and I rasa sekarang ni rezeki I makin murah, ada banyak planning akan datang, selepas Samsung Galaxy S tu, I akan cuba dapatkan Ipad, then get a new car for myself, get a new house kot for my parents, buat fix deposit, smbung degree, getting married...wahhh..Banyak planning ni..

Ada lagi satu surprise hari ni, my old fren... Tetiba je call I then I terkejut bila dgr suara dia..Hehe, lama x dgr khabar my fren tu...ingat lagi kat kita rupanya...

So basically tu je la surprises yg I blh bgtau, yg lain tu biar I ngan dia je la yg tahu...pssstt, ada lagi satu nih..actually hari tuh I buat spaghetti..first time my other half rasa & first time dia cakap my spaghetti sedap..touching...then Rina ngan shasha pun cakap sedap..nak tahu rhsia dia, kpd u all yg suka mkn spaghetti n suka masak spaghetti, cuba try tmbh basil+oregano sket...msti best, dalam some herba Itali mmg ada bnde2 ni sume, so sblum beli, SEMAK LABEL DULU OK!!! Mana x berpeluhnyer, berjam-jam pusing Mid Valley cari ramuan rahsia tuh...

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Variasi Akhbar Metro 'Khamis, 15 Julai 2010'

Hari ni sayer nampak something yang menarik dalam akhbar Metro m/nV12:

(hopefully bakal2 suami/ suami/ pakwe kat luar saner take note pasal bnde nie yer)

Perjumpaan yang manis

yang ni agak menarik. setelah pulang dari kerja, outstation, or pape je yang memisahkan korang berdua,mulakan salam/sapaan baik ketika bertemu.Salam dan senyum adalah sunah manakala berdoa utk isteri adalah wajib. Jabat tangannya dan kucup dahinya...Wahhh!!! Syoknyer...

Ucapkan kata-kata yang baik

Pilik kata2 positif, yer betul! yang ni lagi betul, berikan PERHATIAN KETIKA MENDENGAR KATA-KATANYA. Usah lupa panggilan mesra kesukaanya kerana itu akan merapatkan hubungan korang.

Bersahabat dan santai

Jgn sibuk dgn urusan sendiri, sediakan waktu utk bersamanya. Sampaikan pdnya berita yg  menyenangkan dan sering ingtkan kenangan terindah bersamanya. Yang ni sayer suker sgt....

Permainan dan selingan

Senda dan gurau tntunya akan menceriakan suasana rumah tangga. Ajklah si dia menonton wyg or pape je, even kalau just ajk jenjalan tgk petstore pun si isteri akan appreciate sgt2 sebenarnya...sbb yg dia mahu hanyalah berada di smping suami tercinta.


Yang ni pun saya suka, and sayer rse betul. Biasakan musyawarah/mesyuarat dalam menyelesaikan masalah rumah tangga. Suami jgn buat keputusan tanpa pgthuan isteri, dgr pendapat isteri.
....selebihnya andablh baca sendiri kat paper Metro yer...

How is our love?

Day after day, time passed away..and I just can't get u off my mind. Nobody know where my heart is, I keep on searching but I can't find. The courage to show, to letting u go before, but I never felt so much love before and once again I'm thinking about taking the easy way out. Get out of our life. But if I let you go, I will never know, what my life would be, cause I used to hold you close to me, will I ever see you smiling back to me, how will I know all this if I let you go.

Night after night I hear myself say, why cant I let this feeling fade away. But there's no one like you, you make me laugh you make me cry, you speak to my heart, I guess both part the good and the bad I have to buy. You said goodbye, I FELL APART, you said goodbye, I fell from what we had to a world I never knew which created the new me, I needed you so badly but it such a such we worlds apart. You need to let things go, and I know when you tell me so. When you said goodbye, I've been through hell to break the spell, I tried to wake up, tried to get you back amd suddenly she said ' we are happy together, if you wanna know how he is, just give me a call..' my heart cried ceaselessly that time. I lose in my own soul life. Oh my God, all the while I were in front of you, you never realize, how I long to see your love all for me. I long to see that.

I cry silently, I cry inside of me, I cry hopelessly cause that time I know I'll never breathe you love again. If you could see me now, you would just know how tired I am to cry for your heart only for me, how hard I try not to wonder why this is happening to me. I wish I could believe in something new, please sayang tell me this is not true, why you let me slip away from your hug, I lost the touch.

I know when she's been on your mind  coz that distant look is in your eyes . You know I'd fight for you but how could I fight someone who isn't even there . With a simple telephone call you leave me here with nothing at all . There are time it seems to me, I'm sharing you with memories and I feel it in my heart but I don't show it. Don't make me promises sayang you never did know how to keep them well. If you want to make a promise, just make sure I dont put high hope on that.

Monday, July 12, 2010

ooooo woo woo hohoooo ooo wooo oooooo...I love this song...

Lyric "K'Naan - Waving Flag Soundtrack FIFA World Cup 2010"

Give me freedom, give me fire, give me reason, take me higher
See the champions, take the field now, you define us, make us feel proud
In the streets are, exaliftin , as we lose our inhabition,
Celebration its around us, every nation, all around us
Singin forever young, singin songs underneath that sun
Lets rejoice in the beautiful game.
And together at the end of the day.


When I get older I will be stronger
They’ll call me freedom Just like a wavin’ flag
And then it goes back
And then it goes back
And then it goes back

When I get older I will be stronger
They’ll call me freedom
Just like a wavin’ flag
And then it goes back
And then it goes back
And then it goes

Oooooooooooooh woooooooooohh hohoho
Give you freedom, give you fire, give you reason, take you higher
See the champions, take the field now, you define us, make us feel proud
In the streets are, exaliftin, every loser in ambition,
Celebration, its around us, every nations, all around us
Singin forever young, singin songs underneath that sun
Lets rejoice in the beautiful game.
And together at the end of the day.


When I get older, I will be stronger
They’ll call me freedom
Just like a wavin’ flag
And then it goes back
And then it goes back
And then it goes back

When I get older I will be stronger
They’ll call me freedom
Just like a wavin’ flag
And then it goes back
And then it goes back
And then it goes
Wooooooooo Ohohohoooooooo ! OOOoooooh Wooooooooo
When I get older I will be stronger
They’ll call me freedom
Just like a wavin’ flag
And then it goes back
And then it goes back
And then it goes back
When I get older I will be strong
They’ll call me freedom
Just like a wavin’ flag
And then it goes back
And then it goes back
And then it goes
Wooo hooooo hohohohoooooo
And everybody will be singinit
Wooooooooo ohohohooooo
And we are all singinit

Sunday, July 11, 2010

My next goal...oppss our next goal actually..Samsung Galaxy S..sssss

Last week, I told my other half that I want to change my phone to LG Lollipop..Looks cute outside but indah khabar dari rupa..No wifi, no big screen, how I can live with that kinda phone..Then, I went to Maxis centre with my fren at Times Square and the salesman there actually briefed me on iPhone. I was like, nape tak terfikir nak pakai iPhone sebelum ni ha? Then, me and my other half went to Pc Show at Times Square to check out the latest coolest stuff from Maxis. We've seen Samsung Galaxy S before, but at glance not attracted at all. Now, what can I say, before I fall in love with my other half for the second time, I dah jatuh cinta tahap gaban ngan Samsung Galaxy S tu.. OMG!!OMG!! nak jugak next month..Then, I tgk2 and belek-ing the phone, wow!! Awesome actually, better than iPhone and BlackBerry as Samsung Mobile not actually revealed this model to their dealer..Only maxis has the privelege to sell them. Then, I double confirm ngan salesgirl kat sini pasal harga phone tu, RM 2.5k harga market..OK, I dont care, I want this...

Well guys, you can take a look at this phone and its specs. Ouccchhh!!! So not me, getting attached to a Samsung mobile..but this one, ahah my heart melted already..Next month, gonna have two of it, one for him and one for me...

Samsung Galaxy S. Android cool.

The Android smartphone segment keeps getting stronger, and the Samsung Galaxy S looks set to be a key player in 2010. Not only does it get the company’s coveted Super AMOLED display, but a 1GHz processor, 720p HD video recording and plenty of wireless connectivity. Now freshly announced as incoming to Verizon as the Fascinate, T-Mobile USA as the Vibrant and of course AT&T as the Captivate, the Galaxy S is certainly spreading itself around. Is this Android’s answer to the iPhone 4? Check out the full SlashGear review after the cut.

In the time we’ve been carrying the Galaxy S, more than a few people – geeks included – have mistaken it for an iPhone 3GS. The glossy black plastic and metal-effect bezel both echo Apple’s second/third-gen smartphone; the irony, of course, is that the Cupertino company has now moved on with the almost retro lines of the iPhone 4, and the Galaxy S feels a little indistinct in comparison. It’s certainly a lightweight and slim handset, at 122.4 x 64.2 x 9.9mm and 119g, though it’s undoubtedly plasticky in its hand-feel. Still, there’s little creaking or flexing, and build quality feels decent.

Hardware controls are minimal, consisting of a volume rocker on the left hand side, the power/standby key on the right, and a home button under the screen that’s flanked by touch-sensitive menu and back buttons. Long-holding the menu key calls up search. The power button feels poorly placed, and we’d rather it were on the top edge of the Galaxy S; it’s also a little vague in its physical feel, and more than a few times we’ve accidentally hit it twice or held it too long and had to dismiss the power-off menu. The absence of a D-pad or optical joystick is generally not a problem; we only missed it when trying to precisely navigate within text to make spelling or URL corrections.

As for the rest of the hardware, keeping the whole thing moving is Samsung’s own 1GHz Hummingbird processor, paired with 8GB (or 16GB, depending on version) of internal storage. In our 8GB review unit that’s partitioned into approximately 2GB for apps and 6GB for media; there’s also a microSD slot (for up to 32GB cards). Connectivity includes triband 900/1900/2100 HSDPA/HSUPA along with WiFi b/g/n, Bluetooth 3.0 and a microUSB 2.0 port; there’s also GPS, an accelerometer, digital compass, and both proximity and light sensors. Like the iPhone 4, the Galaxy S has two cameras: one, a 5-megapixel autofocus unit on the back, and a VGA-quality front facing camera for video calls. No flash – LED or otherwise – however, though you can record 720p HD video at 30fps.

It’s probably the display that is the Galaxy S’ crowning glory, with Samsung’s own Super AMOLED technology making a reappearance after its decent showing on the bada-powered Wave. Here, though, it’s grown to 4-inches (800 x 480 resolution) and it’s quite the eye-catcher. Colors are vivid and beautifully saturated, while the brightness is easily strong enough on the medium setting. That adds up to reasonable outdoor performance, too; unlike the Nexus One, the AMOLED display of which requires more than a cupped hand in order to make it out, the Galaxy S is visible – though not ideal, we have to say – in normal daylight conditions.

The obvious comparison is against Apple’s new Retina Display technology, and of course the Galaxy S’ resolution can’t compete with the 326dpi of the iPhone 4’s outstanding screen. Nonetheless, it’s one of the best panels we’ve seen on a mobile device of late, and certainly better than most AMOLED and LCD displays. Here, Samsung have paired it with a decent, responsive capacitive touchscreen that requires only a relatively light touch.

Software wise, the Galaxy S runs Android 2.1 partially disguised by the company’s own TouchWiz 3.0 UI. The main improvement is in the notification bar, which now gets persistent shortcuts for toggling WiFi, Bluetooth, silent and vibration modes, together with media playback controls when the MP3 app is running. Four fixed icons – Phone, Contacts, Messaging and Applications – run along the bottom of the screen and can’t be moved or replaced. [Update: only Applications is permanent; the others can be swapped out by going into the app menu and choosing Edit from the menu - thanks tnt!] Still, we’ve made our feelings clear about TouchWiz (in its various incarnations) in previous reviews; suffice to say, it lacks the appeal of HTC Sense, and most of the time we’d have preferred the basic Android 2.1 interface. More worryingly, whatever Samsung has done to the ROM has introduced numerous points of lag and even freezing.

Try to open your email inbox, or view a specific message, and the Galaxy S sometimes seizes up for a few seconds before the content is shown. There are similar pauses when deleting items or marking messages unread, with pop-up contextual menus hanging around on-screen for seconds longer than they should. Meanwhile the back control can be reluctant in its action, before suddenly catching up and slinging you to the homescreen. We’ve got two Galaxy S handsets on hand from different sources and both show the same sort of issues (more noticeable when you’ve loaded your email inbox and contacts). It’s frustrating, especially given that the 1GHz chip can otherwise feel faster than smartphones running Qualcomm’s rival 1GHz Snapdragon CPU.

I really2 craving for this phone...

Lag isn’t the only problem we’ve had, either. The Galaxy S has randomly lost our email inbox in the time we’ve been using it – requiring inputing all our Exchange settings again, and performing a full sync – and the camera app has crashed a couple of times, refusing to load until we power-cycled the phone. Elsewhere, the UI is simply frustrating. New SMS alerts, for instance, aren’t removed from the Android notification bar until you not only view the message in the bubble conversation view, but actually tap the new bubble itself and “open” it on a separate page. No new information, but an extra step all the same. We prefer the regular Android icons to those in TouchWiz, though admittedly that’s a matter of taste, but the way Samsung has managed the desktop is slightly at odds with Google’s own approach with Android. The Galaxy S has seven homescreen panes with the default “home” pane on the far left; the Android OS is more used to the “home” pane being central, and so if you choose Google Maps as your Live Wallpaper – which normally uses GPS to center the map on your current location – the maps are offset since the center point is on homescreen four. Nit-picking, yes, but it’s the sort of poor polish that undermine a successful UI.

Sadly there’s no way to easily turn off TouchWiz and return to the native Android UI, so owners unwilling to experiment with unofficial ROMs will be stuck with Samsung’s interface. Some of the company’s preloaded tools aren’t bad, however; there’s a full copy of Swype, the gesture-based keyboard (though it isn’t enabled by default) and Samsung’s multimedia player is far better than the standard Google offering. It supports MPEG4, H.264, H.263, DivX, Xvid, WMV, AVI, MKV and FLV video, among others, together with a healthy clutch of audio formats including OFF and FLAC. Paired with the 3.5mm headphones jack and onboard storage you’ve got an Android phone that could certainly give an iPod touch a run for its money.

Social networking tools are fashionable, and Samsung’s approach is a little similar to HTC’s. The Galaxy S has Samsung’s Social Hub, a combined stream of Facebook, MySpace and Twitter messages – complete with a desktop widget and the ability to send out an update to one or all services simultaneously – but there’s also a “Mini Diary” app that allows you to easily create journal entries complete with photos, stored weather information, text notes and more. Unfortunately, once created they’re basically stuck on the phone; there’s no way to remotely sync them or upload them automatically to a blog somewhere.

More useful is Samsung AllShare, which takes DLNA media sharing and puts a cellphone-friendly face on it. AllShare allows you to stream multimedia from the Galaxy S to a WiFi-connected player – whether a standalone audio system, network-connected HDTV or a computer – or vice-versa, or even to act as a remote control for your media server, selecting files to play remotely. Video, audio and images can all be streamed, and the Galaxy S simply showed up as a media source in compatible apps.

As for playback on the Galaxy S itself, understandably it’s video that shines best thanks to the Super AMOLED display. We had no problems getting various DivX and Xvid files to play, with 720p HD video looking great. Interestingly, there’s a TV Out option in the settings pages, though no sign of an adapter in the box to actually hook up a bigger screen. Audio, meanwhile, is reasonably loud and clear via the Galaxy S’ own speaker, but Samsung’s bundled earbuds are actually surprisingly good and, while still not outperforming a reasonable aftermarket set, do at least avoid the noise leakage and underwhelming bass of Apple’s standard set. There’s also an FM radio, complete with auto-scan and user presets, though it relies on the headphone wire to act as antenna.

Samsung has something of a reputation for decent cellphone cameras, and the Galaxy S generally doesn’t disappoint. At 5-megapixels with autofocus, the only thing missing from the spec sheet is a flash of some sort. What you do get are various photography modes, including blink, face and smile detection, panorama and high-speed shooting, together with a decent amount of control over manual settings. There are also multiple effects, such as vintage and cartoon, and a high-visibility mode which boosts the UI so that it’s easier to see while outdoors. The end result are bright, clear and well balanced shots, with decent colors and – as long as you don’t use the digital zoom – little noise or pixellation. Without a flash you’re obviously limited in your low-light use, with focus being a particular trouble, though we might argue that LED flash units are generally underwhelming anyway. There are samples in the gallery below, unedited aside from being resized by 50-percent.

Video, meanwhile, can be recording in one of five resolutions from 320 x 240 to 1280 x 720, with or without audio and with manual control over exposure, contrast, saturation and sharpness. However there’s no focus control. Interestingly, during recording you can choose to either pause or stop; pausing allows you to chain several segments into the same clip. A size counter shows how big the file is getting while you can also use the 4x digital zoom (which is jerky moving between levels, rather than a smooth optical zoom). Files are recorded in MPEG-4 in a 3GP container and at around 11.6Mbps, along with mono audio from the Galaxy S’ single microphone.

To get to grips with what the Galaxy S’ Hummingbird CPU could really deliver, we turned to Android benchmarking tool Quadrant. This measures processor, memory, I/O and 2D/3D graphics and combines them into a single numerical score. The Galaxy S (running Android 2.1) came in at 874, while a Google Nexus One (running Android 2.2 FRF50) scored 1,390. That’s a considerable difference, but a lot could be down to the OS rather than the hardware; according to Quadrant’s figures, the Galaxy S scored approximately 50-percent more than a Nexus One running Android 2.1, suggesting that should the Samsung handset get a Froyo update then it might pull ahead of the Google-branded phone.

Updates, though, are a sore issue among Samsung owners right now. The company recently pushed out Android 1.6 to its Behold II handset – launched in November 2009 with 1.5 – but also confirmed that the smartphone wouldn’t see any further upgrades to 2.x or beyond. Opinion understandably differs: some say the Behold II simply isn’t powerful enough to handle the Live Wallpapers and other system-intensive features of newer versions of Android, while others reckon Samsung are merely looking to forget the older phone and instead push on with their newer devices.
Meanwhile, Samsung has apparently confirmed that the Galaxy S should get an Android 2.2 Froyo update later in 2010, but the exact timescale for that still isn’t definitive. As we’ve seen with other Android devices that use custom UIs, manufacturers generally struggle to adapt to newer OS versions and that delays their release. Our advice is always to pick a phone which does what you want it to do today, rather than what it might do months down the line, but we’d also add that handsets with the basic Android build rather than a manufacturer-tweaked one should inevitably be your choice if speedy upgrades are your top priority.

We can’t fault the Galaxy S on phone performance. Voice calls are clear and loud, and the speakerphone is suitably booming. Unfortunately apps aren’t quite set up to take advantage of the front-facing VGA camera yet; Qik’s video call app only works on the EVO 4G right now, while Fring are still working on an update that can use the Galaxy S’ front camera rather than the back one. Battery life, meanwhile, proved more impressive than expected. With push email turned on and regular use, we got through two days from the Galaxy S’ 1,500mAh battery, surprising indeed for a modern touchscreen smartphone.
So what about the iPhone 4? There are certainly similarities: the processors (which despite the differing names were both developed by Samsung and Apple-acquired Intrinsity) each run at 1GHz, the camera resolution is the same, both are slim and relatively lightweight. However the two platforms – iOS4 and Android – differ significantly in their approach to users, developers and openness. Apple’s by now legendary approvals process for the App Store means that only those titles that suit the company’s intent for the iPhone will get through; on the other hand, users have greater confidence that the software they download is unlikely to negatively affect their handset.

Meanwhile the Android Market does without the strict gatekeepers, meaning the breadth of apps is greater though the risk of downloading something half-baked or even malware-infected is also higher. There’s growing choice, and the Android OS as a whole is far more flexible in terms of developer tinkering. In its more recent versions it’s relatively user-friendly, too, a far cry from the early days.

Is the occasionally staccato performance enough to sour the Galaxy S altogether, however? We’re not entirely sure what’s causing the occasional lag – poor CPU throttling perhaps – but we’re hoping Samsung can address it with a minor firmware patch. As it stands, it’s a frustrating mar on what’s otherwise a very strong smartphone experience. The Galaxy S’ screen is the best this side of a Retina Display – and larger too – while the phone, albeit erring on the plastic side, is well made and has impressive multimedia skills. It’s also slim, so despite the screen size can drop into a front pocket without causing problems. The strengths outweigh the drawbacks overall, though you may find yourself explaining more then once that no, this isn’t an iPhone, it’s something arguably just as good.

Our weekend :)


Heheheh,kinda excited when we actually sign up for postpaid and actually did having two similar numbers..hahaha..what can i say..he loves me..nowadays, i think my heart kembali pulih sikit demi sedikit but not fully recover yet..but,one thing for sure now,my other half is trying deadly to get my heart back..mmg terharu but i cant really force myself to hurl to him..i just follow the flow..


muzium negara entrance...dalam muzium,after the Coffin Exhibition...wargghhh

singgahsana Sultan maner ntah dh lupa..blh jd tmpt bersanding ni....

have u guys try this?? JUS DURIAN!!! hahaha...yakkk...we bought this for RM2.50 and taste like durian+gula+perisa pelik of coz...

and as today,what we've done actually?we went to Muzium Negara (macam rombongan budak skolah plak...)then we went to pameran keranda..some boring stuff and snapped lots of pic together gether..i am more concern on the pic than the tour itself..Actually, I noticed that nowadays he loves me more that he used to three yours ago..Nop, nearly to 4 years actually. We've met 29 September 2007, and the exact date for this years, it has been 4 years since we met each other..Long way to go huh.. I bet u dont want to know what the hell happened between us. we went thru hell, thru horrible fights, thru bad arguments, thru lovely dovey romantic scene (ehem ehem) and more..We went everything together. But, somehow, I did miss the old me. Well he did missed me too..
well, here he is..Still waiting for me..and I'm still for my heart..Not much I can do for him now as long as I still lost my heart..

Thursday, July 08, 2010

I am enamored of him??Well he?

Well you heard me...sometimes I do think that I ni kejam sangat recently but what can I possibly say after musibah ni melanda, kena pada batang hidung I sendiri...

Too many days with tears & sadness, rasa nak bunuh diri, rasa nak terjun laut, rasa nak bunuh orang sume adalah pendek kata...But what I can say right now about myself is I'm clueless about what the hell is happening to me. He is in front of me, but I cant give him the love, touch, cares, all the thing he needs from me...I cant give him that.. Talking about another person in my life..Few days ago actually I've met someone from Singapore masa larikan diri ke Johor. What happened then? Lots of thing yang berlaku tapi I x rasa apa-apa. We went for puluhan moives but I cant actually feel the happiness. I'm lost in my own world..Something yang x pernah berlaku dalam hidup I. I lost my first love, first man yang datang dalam hidup I, I lost my first heart..I lost everything...

I am fully aware about my changes rite now but I cant do anything to fix it. My heart is gone..X kisah brape banyak durian I telan masa kat dusun nagn my bro & my sis dulu, tapi x blh lari dari air mata I sendiri...Hilang je dari pndangan my bro, I akan menangis, even dalam toilet pun I blh menangis, my tears now is so darn fragile..Rapuh sangat2, mudah sgt2 untuk jatuh ke bumi and sadly no one can do anything to patch it up..

Betul cakap orang, kehilangan cinta pertama sangat manyakitkan. Even I sendiri malu sebagai perempuan sbb I've tried so damn hard utk pertahankan hubungan itu. I've tried to polish up apa yg membuatkan dia jatuh cinta pada I three years ago. I've tried to regain the fire in this relationship. I've tried harder and harder..Tapi I sendiri jatuh tersungkur and I sendiri xtau bila I blh bangkit. I dah kehilangan satu2 nya lelaki yang I dh bersumpah pada diri I sendiri hanya dia satu-satunya lelaki dalam hidup I. I dah kehialangan hati dan perasaan untuk merasai erti cinta buat kali kedua.. In fact, I dh lukakan perasaan Joe. I tahu, tapi I x mampu buat apa2. dia sangat2 terluka & I rasa sgt berdosa..But, I cant have two guys in my, I xblh bg kasih syg pada dua org lelaki sekaligus, I'm not that kind of bitch yang sggup menduakan org yang dicintai walaupun that guy pernah buat macam tu. I dididik untuk bagi sepenuh keihklasan, cinta, kasih sayang hanya pada seorang lelaki yang bakal bergelar suami & ayah pada anak2 I. I xpernah bercinta sebelum I keluar dari high school..I xpernah tahu apa peraturan bercinta sblum ni, I xpernah tahu dalam bercinta kita blh ada dua or tiga orang di belakang orang yang kita sayang..I xpernah tahu semua tu..The obnly thing I know when I fall in love for the first time ever in my life is, I will curahkan kasih I sepenuh hati, I will take care of him without compromising, I will get him all the support he needs from me, I'll be there whenever he wants me to, and I'll be faithful to him eventhough there's someone better might promote himself in front of me.For me, just him.

I balik ke KL becoz my train of thought is imbued with memories of my first love.. Now he is still next to me, hoping I boleh terima dia, tapi I sendiri x tahu jawapannya. I sendiri tercari-cari where the hell my heart went missing. I sendiri tertanya-tnya whether I blh jatuh cinta skali lagi pada lelaki yang sama I jatuh cinta 3 tahun dlu...I'm clueless actually..

I x kisah apa dia nak buat kat I to get me back, cari I sampai ke Johor, hug me, kiss me, or even melutut to me sekalipun tapi I nak mintak maaf pada dia sbb I tak blh bagi jawapan tu sekarang.

Although I can see dia berubah banyak sangat, kasih syg dia, layanan dia, the way he hugs me, the way he kisses me, the way he tells me how much he loves me, I know he wanted to change but I couldnt help myself skrg ni. So I decided to build a new life, a new me, incase kalau I jatuh cinta sekali lagi pada dia, syukur I panjatkan pada Allah kerana kembalikan hati I yang dh remuk ni...

But one thing I'm sure about myself rite now, I'll do whatever I want whenever I want. Sama ada dengan dia or all by myself.. so kepada kengkawan semua yang tgh bercinta, simpan a little bit of the love for the sake of urself, sbb once u jatuh tersungkur, parahnya luka tu hanya Allah saje yang tahu...


Wednesday, July 07, 2010

I want one!!! IPad from Apple

As I am writing this post...I'm striving to get a new Ipad from Apple, as Dell x keluarkan lagi Ipad.. My sis from Jb wants to buy my lappy..only RM1700 ++, i bought that for RM2800. OMG, why I couldn't just wait for Ipad to be released and not buy my lappy. comment. But, I am really craving for that Ipad. Either I choose mt lappy Dell or get a new Ipad. I think I'll go for that Ipad kot.. But, havent speak on this to my other half yet. Should I say my other half, as we already break off and I dont know the where hell my heart gone...Well yar, I habiskan almost RM500 trying to get a smile in my face back.. Doing that, and that, and that..But nop. I'm heartless now. As now, I dont know the real status of Azzatie Intan Suraya. Whether in a relationship, or about to get married with someone who did broke my heart heart smpai berkecai, or single. Entahla, still looking for my heart actually..

But one thing I am sure about the new me rite now is I'll do whatever I want to do, with whoever I want to do. Yup, As today, Despicable Me akan kuar panggung, try to catch a train to watch it tonite whether with him or me alone.. Entahla, I'm clueless actually when talking about my heart.

Well guys, hope u understand that I am a working girl who lost my heart, already got a new pet (Pingi), yup I got a new pet last nite and striving my very hard to get a new IPad and a new Lollipop...My sister nak sume brg2 I, teruk betul dia ni, lappy pun nak, my E63 pun dia xpelah, I mmg plan nak jual my phone ni, as I want a Lollipop form LG. So Girlish.

Here's some info for the new Ipad from Apple. Cool stuff huh!!!

Apple iPad Price In Malaysia

The highly anticipated electronic device – iPad has just been announced by Steve Jobs in Apple Media Event. Everyone has been talking about how good the device was before it released & I am now here to reveal it for ya’ all.

Features :

* Processor: 1GHz Apple A4

* Operating System: iPhone OS 3.2

* Storage: 16GB, 32GB or 64GB flash drive

* Size: 9.56 (H) x 7.47 (W) x 0.5 (D) inch

* Weight: 1.5 pounds (680 gram) for iPad WiFi, 1.6 pounds (730 gram) for iPad 3G

* Display: 1024×768 pixels

* Wireless connection: WiFi, Bluetooth, 3G (Additional payment needed)

* Battery: up to 10 hours of web surfing, video watching, music playback

* Input/Output: Dock connector, 3.5mm headphone jack, build-in speaker, microphone, SIM tray (iPad 3G only)

Homepage looks slick with iPhone app launcher but with Mac OSX dock. Size of keyboard has been increased, we can see Jobs is typing on the keyboard using fingers instead thumbs.

Fear not if you own an iPhone but am afraid to pay for the same apps again on iPad, you can simply sync it & your iPad will get the same apps as those on your iPhone. All apps will be resized automatically to fit your screen.

Games are running smoothly & ‘presumably HD’ as described by Gizmodo as Need For Speed & NOVA were demonstrated during the event, but for me the games look just the same as on iPhone, so it’s quite disappointing for a heavy gamer like me.

How About Apple iPad Price In Malaysia?

The iPad ships worldwide in 60 days, but only in Wi-Fi versions. The 3G version will be another 30 days after that. Here are the prices:

Without 3G:

• $499: 16GB (RM1714)

• $599: 32GB (RM2057)

• $699: 64GB (RM2400)

With 3G:

• $629: 16GB (RM2160)

• $729: 32GB (RM2500)

• $829: 64GB (RM2848)

Apple will ship all the iPads in 60 days—the end of March—to America, and just the Wi-Fi models internationally. It’ll be another 30 days beyond that for 3G models to be available outside our shores; Apple says they’re still working on carrier deals.


iPad at a glance. Visit the iPad site

Ouucchhh...I want it...

The best way to experience the web, email, photos, and video.

Page through websites, write an email, flick through photos, or watch a movie with just the touch of a finger.

A design that’s thin, light, and brilliant.

iPad has a 9.7-inch, high-resolution LED-backlit IPS display and incredible Multi-Touch capability. Yet it’s thin and light enough to take anywhere.

Thousands of apps made just for iPad. With more coming every day.

Right now you can discover over a thousand apps on the App Store made just for iPad — with more coming every day. And if that’s not enough, you can also run almost 200,000 iPhone apps.3

Introducing iBooks. A new way to read and buy books.

Download the free iBooks app from the App Store. More than a great ebook reader, it’s also an amazing place to browse and shop for books.4
