Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I am looking forward for what will happen....

What will happen in the future? None of us can foresee the future, but we can prepare for it..

If only u have a want, then u will live ur life to the fullest to achieve it..Well, berfalsafah plak...What I want in my future? Basically these are my goals:

  1. Kumpul duit banyak2 and siapkan umah mak kat Terengganu (I really really wanna change my family's life, really want)
  2. Get myself deeper into my hobby which is gubah BUNGA DIP... maybe boleh buat bunga pahar dgn doorgift sendiri..Next week, will start to buy those things yg diperlukan : plier, dip, thinner, dawai, glitters, glue, batang lidi, pelilit and bla bla bla)...will try to do it at work...and home too...
  3. Buy myself a Canon D80, I want it..instead og buying an Ipad, I think my interest is not to Ipad anymore but more to photographing as I am rite now is too darn exciting in creating/altering image...harganya?? boleh tahanla, kena kumpul 2 bulan gaji kot baru boleh beli..yg ni tahun depan insya Allah, as tahun ni budget dah lari...
  4. yang ni a bit blushing to tell..hehehe.. Get married to a lovely creature namely Mohammad Fadzil..yang ni mudah-mudahan diijabkabulkan seperti yang telah dirancangkan...
  5. Get both of us, me and my other half to Seoul Korea... We want to stand under the sakura flower and experience it all by ourselves... Really really wants this also...Badly want this..Only me and him, far from other, far from works as our schedule is a little bit hectic rite now.....

Lastly, all I want is him to be next to me..To hold me forever..To love me eternally..Then my life would be wholely complete....
