Sunday, January 24, 2010

Honey.. I Shrunk the LOVE~~

                   What happened to me last week? Nothing..But something terrible happened few days ago. Before my weekend officially started, me and my other half bergaduh lagi!!! Aarrgghh.. After almost 3 years courting, I don’t know what to say. Let’s review what happened for the past few years. At our very first year, no argue, more honeymoon. Second year, less argu and stable honeymoon..kik kik kik. But, year by year past, we both have matured and grown up. If you are facing me face to face, I bet you wouldn’t think that I’m only 19. Most people said that. Dengan dia je manja manja, dengan orang lain berlagak dewasa lorr.. kik kik kik.. Then, I started to feel bored because in one year ‘no argue at all’. Apalah aku ni, patutnya baguslah kan x gaduh, ni boring plak sebab tak gaduh. Kik kik kik. Then, betul betul gaduh. Bukan calang-calang gaduh pnyer ni, memang fight yang in a way you won't think of as most people around me will think that our relationship will go down the drain. Sedih la, setiap kali gaduh.. It felt like you really don’t want to see him anymore. Sedihnyer kalau dia marah-marah, dia tak tahu macam mana rasanya hati ni, sedih sangat-sangat.

                 But the latest fight was about nothing actually. He didn’t tell me where he was going, then he asked me whether I wanted to eat or not. Then I asked him back. Then he asked me. Then kitorang gaduh! Benci lah..Looking back on the things I’ve done, I was just trying to be someone in your heart. I played my part, and kept you in the dark, but it’s annoyed you a lot. I’m sorry honey. I love you. I did tattoo your name across my heart and I’m striving to protect it.

                But at the end of the day, he apologized and said ‘I’m sorry, pa penat sangat hari ni..’ actually the conversation went like this:

My other half: I’m sorry, pa penat sangat hari nih.

Me: Sob..~~sob~~

My other half: Dah..jangan lah nangis.

Me: you don’t how you hurt me.

My other half: I’m sorry sayang. Mama tegurlah papa kalau papa tinggikan suara kat mama lagi..

Then we smiled..