Thursday, January 14, 2010

New criticism..

                          Darn!!What the fish,moo?? Apalah orang sekarang ni..Tau nak mengutuk, mengkrik, menfitnah orang je..I know myself very well. I've finished my dominant brain test (The Wada Test from Japan) and I don't need someone who is nobody to tell me rubbish. I have no time for that obviously. I think I'm going to terminate the nobody from my list. A pompous friend should never be listed in my BFFs. Apparently, what the nobody said grieved my heart. But it's nothing much. Benda tu takkan jadi nanah in my life. What? The nobody thinks he intimidates me? Not a single point chump! I speak as bland as I can but the nobody is so damn bungled my life just like that. The nobody is imbued with moral lackness and misbehaves kot.. Maybe sebab tu dia jadi macam tu..