Monday, August 09, 2010

A day to review...our courting/my mission?

Look at the pita pita sticker at the right gadget bar..Our relationship has gone up to 3 years..Terrific huh? I guess this is the first and last relationship I've ever been and for him? No I am trying to polish back all the things that made him fall in love to me 3 years ago. Fighting? Of course we did fight. We did fight anyway, in a way you won't think of as most people around me will think that our relationship will go down the drain..What we have achieved for all these years? Extra salt, extra ice-cream, extra carbonate, and extra lovey dovey kot..ekekeke..But, on our anniversary, what exactly we've done on our anniversary? I dont remember actually our actual first date..Hahahha..As at the first time I met him at bulan puasa 2007 as abang angkat...hahaha..Kang sekarang dah terangkat..Actually I have no feeling at all when the first time our eyes meet up at Lake Garden, cuma a bit pissed off when he pegang bahu sayer masa nak lintas jalan pergi bazar Kg Baru, I was like 'eh mamat nih..suker suker je pgg aku'. But now, the more I look at him, the more I am in love with him. I am truly enamored of him? Why? Nobody gets the special/soft threats as I get for so many years from him. Well talking about mistake, everyone makes mistake. Well there is a time where everyday I try to play another game just to convice myself, but my heart can't take it, I try to find another boy but my heart can't face it.. I should have never set my heart free..Tapi ada hikmah setiap benda yang terjadi dalam hidup kita nih.. but the I stall, try to look him at a positive ways.. Then, we are still sitting under our flowering tree..and this time, the tree is blossoming.. In my heart I still believe we wre meant to be together..

Now, dah sampai bulan August, well I can say that most of my plan/new year wish did come true and ada jugaklah yang harapan tinggal kenangan...But, I have extra goals to be added in the list..Let's review them:

 A Nokia 63, equipped with external Bluetooth

     ~ dah dapat more thing about me, I x pernah kekal selama setahun dengan satu phone.. xpernah satu I went crazy over Android OS Phone (Samsung Galaxy S or HTC Desire)

 Get myself a Christian Lacroix perfume spray
     ~ hahahah,..this one already got it..I love perfumes..Indeed, I have more than 4 perfumes in my possession...

 Obtain as much English novels as I manage to~ where is my 8th Habit honey?
     ~ sekarang my English enthusiasm getting lower due to busyness...will try to get it..

 Able to finish my Art of War, a very complicated book but I want to finish it and I will survive hey hey..
    ~ Finished it!! Complicated but worth the thrill tho...

 Gain a tremendous amount of self-esteem in this ‘English world’
    ~ in progress

 Get my own house costs above RM200,00 within 5 years
    ~ Next year punyer project with my other half...

 Get blessed with exceptional shrewdness within 3 years
     ~ After I got my degree, nothing to be fear anymore in

 Able to speak and write ADVANCED ENGLISH within 3 years
     ~ still pushing my tongue to speak English daily

Betroth to a lovely and caring person namely my other half
    ~ No bells ringing..yang ni harapan tinggal kenangan

 Get myself into UiTM Shah Alam and pursue my degree in Property Management
    ~ End of this year or awal tahun depan I will pursue my degree in Property Mgt at UTM International Campus
Few goals to be added:

  • Nak kumpul duit untuk mak abah pegi Mekah (my internal goal)
  • Kahwin tahun depan (gatainya....)
  • Kuar kete sendiri tahun depan
  • Kurangkan shopping craze punyer habit dalam diri ni..yang ni sayer punyer financial controller dah ajar cara nak membeli dan menyimpan secara berhemah... let me ask u somethingla.. DO YOU SAVE OR SPEND MONEY DURING A SALE? betul sayang, orang yang pergi shopping tu macam hilang pedoman jer..ekekekeke